Medicinal Mushrooms Intensive Training

Intensive Medicinal Mushrooms Workshops launched in early 2022 in the Wicklow Mountains. We have now run quite a few successful and very popular Medicinal Mushroom Training days. We provide an interactive hands-on full day workshop with lots of theory, scientific studies, comprehensive notes, recipes and tasters.

We’ll be launching an 8 week longer and more in depth training option soon. We are building this course to work both online and or in person.

Mushroom Coffee

Book your place for the next Medicinal Mushroom Intensive Workshop here: in WICKLOW, IRELAND – with various dates throughout 2024.

See all up to date Medicinal Mushroom workshops and all other offerings at:


There will be various date options throughout 2024 mostly based in Wicklow, Ireland.

While most training workshops days are classroom based due to time constraints or seasonality, we don’t usually have field studies yet- until we expand the offering to be over a longer timeframe (coming soon)- Look out for dates for foraging in mushroom season with an emphasis on foraging for local seasonal wild medicinal mushrooms

A medicinal mushroom decoction brewing


Join us in this medicinal mushroom full day workshop for a fascinating exploration into the diverse and mysterious world of fungi! Together we will explore the many ways that you can incorporate mushrooms into your life as various medicinal preparations and as delicious food. 

We will: 

-Study and learn about 10 species of medicinal mushrooms, half of which grow wild in abundance around us in Ireland/ UK. Some samples will be on hand to see/ touch/ smell and taste.

-We will learn about their health benefits and immuno-modulating properties, including links and references to scientific studies.  

Learn how to identify them, their habitat, their physical properties. We will learn about how to safely dry or preserve mushrooms to keep their properties intact, or indeed how to enhance or harness their properties, such as providing us with a bio-available form of Vitamin D and other minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.  

Medicinal Mushroom preparation– We will discuss and demo how to make an aqueous extract, alcohol extract, alcohol-free glycerin extract and the benefits of these vs how and when to combine these for a dual or full-spectrum mushroom extract. We will discuss when there may be contraindications for use.

-Learn how and why mushrooms offer powerful nutrition and learn some delicious recipes and easy ways to bring mushrooms into your diet and wellness routine. Special preparation consideration for enhancing nutritive value and to safely use and consume wild fungi. We will discuss some different cooking methods and a variety of food preparations including: drinks, desserts, mushroom jerky, gomasio/ food condiments, pickles, mushroom fermentation, etc.  

How and where to source medicinal mushrooms: which mushrooms are possible to forage from the wild and which fungi are easier to cultivate and some resources about how to do this. We will share some reputable sources and how to choose good quality mushroom products. We will learn about how to distinguish from a fruiting body and mycelium and their respective medicinal properties.   

You will be provided with a recommended reading list and extensive notes and you will go home with a medicinal mushroom preparation made together on the day. 

Medicinal mushrooms drinks, tasters and a healthy lunch will be provided on the day.   

There will be some dried mushrooms and dual-extract tinctures available on the day to purchase, should you like to.


Book your place at one of my other upcoming workshops here:

Read the reviews from past participants here

Interested in learning more about Mushroom Foraging Ireland? Join this very popular Facebook group that I set up to learn much more and connect with others.